Thursday, April 30, 2009

Better reaching an industry...

An exciting idea has popped up in better ministering to the bodybuilding industry! One of the challenges not only for us who minister in the bodybuilding industry but also in the church at large is to properly disciple and mature believers in their faith. In bodybuilding, many of the athletes travel extensively on the weekends, so making it to a church on a regular basis can be difficult. Furthermore, the athletes don't live in one central location; they live all over the country! But recently, a couple of dear Christian brothers from the Tampa, FL area brought up an idea which would help reach and disciple these athletes all over the country in a close, personal, and intimate setting. Please pray for Stronghold Ministries as we prayerfully consider what part we are to play in the implementation of this strategy.

Jesus told His disciples to go and make other disciples - not simply converts. We have to create a way to better meet people's individual spiritual needs and grow them up. And hopefully, this method can be part of this taking place...


Tom Toy said...

Pastor Mike, my prayers are with you and stronghold ministries as God continues to move and work in your ministry. As a bodybuilding small group fellowship leader in the Tampa area, I can testify that the Lord is at work and moving in the hearts and minds of athletes in our fellowship. I am looking foward to meeting with you and praying with you in July. The Lord is at work in all of our lives with a plan and purpose. Thomas Toy

Pastor Mike said...

Thanks Tom! I am excited too about what God is doing among those in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. May God guide us all as we profess Him!


Pastor Mike